
【Japan】 5G Unlimited Data Roaming SIM Card

$41.00 $45.00
Travel Duration Options
$41.00 $45.00You save $4.00
Mailing Policy: 

The product will be shipped by regular mail within Hong Kong within 2 business days, so only delivery addresses within Hong Kong are accepted. No postal or tracking number will be provided. 

Hong Kong postal delivery usually takes about 3 business days, but it may take longer for remote areas. 

When ordering, please provide the correct recipient's name and address to avoid delivery failures. 

Delivery may be delayed due to traffic, weather, or other force majeure circumstances, so please place your order in advance to ensure receipt before the departure date. 

No changes or modifications can be made to orders that have already been shipped.


Hotspot sharing will occupy bandwidth, and network speed may vary depending on the terminal device and geographical location, so minimum network speed is not guaranteed. Please confirm before placing an order. 

According to the network fair usage policy, telecom companies may limit the data usage of users who consume large amounts of data in a short period. It is recommended to avoid watching videos or updating systems for extended periods.


 The SIM card will be automatically activated after insertion, and no registration is required. The SIM card must be activated within 90 days of ordering. It is recommended to activate it as soon as you arrive at the "usage area" to avoid expiration. Days calculation method: Calendar days (e.g., if the user purchases a 3-day internet plan and installs and activates it at 10:00 AM on 9/1, the first day will end at 11:59 PM on 9/1, and the plan will end at 11:59 PM on 9/3). 

Timezone calculation method: GMT +8 Hong Kong time is used as the standard, not the "usage area" timezone. 

Data usage within the data package is provided at the standard transmission rate, but if usage exceeds the data package, the transmission speed will be limited or reduced to no more than 128kbps. 

No refunds will be given for expired SIM cards. Do not insert the SIM card before arriving at the "usage area," otherwise, the customer will bear the risk of the SIM card not providing the required or normal service. 

Actual connection signal and speed will be affected by various factors such as the relative position of the customer to the base station, website server resources, internet traffic status, number of users, and the support speed of mobile devices, etc.

User Guide: 

Insert the SIM card into the phone upon arrival at the destination. 

Wait 1-2 minutes; it should automatically connect to the network. In the phone settings, enable roaming data and local data. 

If the phone does not automatically select, set the APN to “3gnet.” 

Ensure WiFi is off at this time; Airplane mode is off; for the network mode set it to 5G/4G/3G/2G

Popular apps and social media are supported (except TikTok); no VPN is needed. 

Hotspot is supported, but not guaranteed to support all devices. Operator lock, SIM card lock, and region lock devices are not supported. For dual SIM card phones, it is strongly recommended to insert the SIM card into slot 1. For assistance, please contact Happy Telecom or email info@futurepower.com.hk. Provide ICCID/SIM number and screenshots of the network settings page for us to check and follow up.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

去到日本用都好順暢 十分推薦